* APA style of writing,
* Cover page
* Reference page
* No less than 8 pages (including cover page, table of contents, endnote page,
* Typed, double spaced, normal 1” margins,
* Type size 12, type style: New Times Roman or Arial font,
* Report is to be written in narrative form, and
* Detailed information covering the project requirements.
- What is International Accounting?
- Evolution of Multinational Corporation
- International Income Taxation
- International Transfer Pricing
- Cross-Listed on Foreign Stock Exchanges
- International Trade
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Multinational Corporations
- International Capital Markets
- Evidence of Accounting Diversity
- Reasons for Accounting Diversity
- Problems caused by accounting diversity
- Accounting Clusters
- An Empirical Test of the Judgmental Classification
- The Influence of Culture of Financial Reporting
- Religion and Accounting
- Major Harmonization Efforts
- The International Accounting Standards Committee
- Creation of the IASB
- The IASB Framework
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- A Principles-Based Approach to International Financial Reporting Standards
- International Convergence Towards IFRS
- The Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards
- IFRS in the European Union
- IFRS in the United States

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