According to the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Office of Advocacy, hundreds of thousands of new businesses are started each year. The purpose of this assignment is to examine in more depth the risks, rewards, challenges and opportunities of operating a small business. Interview a current business owner. This can be a business owner in the community, a relative or friend. Your interview must address at a minimum each of the topics below: Background of the Entrepreneur. This section addresses “who”. Provide some background information on the entrepreneur – experience, education, training, etc. The Venture. This section addresses why, how, what and when. Why did the entrepreneur decide to go into business? Why this particular business? How did s/he do it? What is the main product or service provided by the business? When was the business started? Struggles and Challenges. Difficult issues and/or challenges the business owner has faced, how these were overcome, and what new challenges s/he faces. Risks and Rewards. What are the risks of being a small business owner? What aspects has the entrepreneur found most rewarding? Learning on the Journey. What has the owner learned about business and life on this entrepreneurial journey? What advice on starting and running a business can s/he share with aspiring entrepreneurs? Your Own Learning. This section should address the insights, observations or lessons about business ownership you gained as a result of this interview and report. Write the report in narrative form. Do not simply list the questions and answers. Identify the entrepreneur, the name of the business, and the location. Your report should be double-spaced, using a 12-point Times New Roman or similar font, with 1” margins on all sides. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 full pages (not less than 500 words), not including title page and references. Your assignment must conform to APA style. (You can find information about APA style on the Purdue University Online Writing Lab website. A link to the website has been provided under the “Resources” tab in the main menu of this course.) The assignment will be graded on the quality and thoroughness of your interview, how well you address the topics related to the business owner and his/her venture, and the level of analysis demonstrated in linking your findings to concepts covered in this course. A grading rubric is provided here and is also available under the “ Resources” tab in the main menu of this course. Save your paper as an .rtf file. (If you don’t know how to do this, see the instructions located under the “Resources” tab in the main menu of this course.) To submit your assignment, click on the link above. Scroll down to Section 2 (“Assignment Materials”) and then click “Browse My Computer” to find and attach your .rtf file. Write any comments to your instructor in the “Comments” box. Click “Submit”. After you submit your report, you can tell it has been received by clicking on “My Grades” in the main menu of the course. You will see a “!” in the grade book. After your instructor grades the assignment, you will see a score instead of the “!” Please note: Your assignment must be submitted as an .rtf file. If you fail to do this, your instructor may be unable to open or grade your assignment. If you do not know how to save the file in this format, please see the instructions posted under the “Resources” tab in the main menu of Blackboard. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with theBlackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates. Institution Release Statement I understand that my instructor has selected to have this assignment checked against several databases for original content. Furthermore, I understand that SafeAssign will create an originality report for my instructor which shows how my paper compares against documents available on the Internet, in many print journals, as well as a database of other papers submitted by Ivy Tech students. I understand that my paper will be added to this institutional database for comparison of future papers against my work. I also understand that if I select Upload to Global Database below, I am agreeing to have my paper stored in a Global Database of work so that future work of all students using the SafeAssign system can be compared against my work. I understand that once I grant the right for this paper to be added to the SafeAssign Global Database that I may not retract that right. I maintain ownership of the original intellectual property created, but this document must remain a part of the SafeAssign Global Database. I understand that submitting my paper to the Global Database is completely voluntary.

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