- Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between 2–3 paragraphs in length.
- Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.
- Copy and paste each question within the document, so that your instructor can see which question you are responding to.
- The article “Fostering Second Language Development in Young Children” makes the statement, “Children become bilingual in different ways.” Explain at least two different ways that children become bilingual and why it is important for people who work with young children who are learning two languages to understand the term language imbalance.
- Based on the information on vocabulary development in your course text and other readings, explain the differences in vocabulary development for children who are bilingual and considerations to keep in mind with regard to assessing vocabulary development.
- Explain some of the ways that culture influences children’s language development and why cultural differences should be respected by educators and others who work with young children and families.
Required Resources
- Course Text: The Development of Language
- Chapter 4, “Semantic Development”
- Read “Assessing Vocabulary in Bilingual Children” (pp. 105–106)
- Read “Word-Meaning Awareness: Humor, Metaphor, and Irony” (pp. 108–109)
- Chapter 8, “Variation in Language Development: Implications for Research and Theory”
- Read “Linguistic Factors” (pp. 253–254)
- Article: Fostering Second Language Development in Young Children (PDF)
- Article: Cultural Diversity and Language Socialization in the Early Years (PDF)

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