This assignment provides an opportunity for you to consider the meaning and operation of internal control by reflecting on the design, implementation and effectiveness of internal control plans in a business process.
The specific skills addressed include:
- Reading and analysing system documentation;
- Completing an internal control analysis for a business process;
- Evaluating the likely attainment of information reliability goals; and
- Evaluating the appropriateness and potential use of control plans within the process.
The assignment is a group assignment. Assignments are to be completed in groups of four or five. You may work with any student enrolled in the subject.
This assignment addresses the following generic skills:collaborative learning; problem solving; team work; interpretation and analysis; critical thinking; evaluation of data and other information; use of computer software; written communication; application of theory to practice.
PLAGIARISM:You are cautioned against copying and relying on the work of others. Copying the work of others is plagiarism and as such carries severe penalties.
WEIGHTING:15% of the overall subject result
DUE DATE:6pm on Sunday 27 September 2015
Assignments must be submitted electronically via the LMS link to the assignment tool. Please complete the cover sheet which follows and include it as your first page of the assignment. Your answer must be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font.There is no formal word count. However, your answers should be professional and concise. If your total word count nears 2,000 words, you are not being concise. Only one file per assignment per group is to be submitted. You must submit your assignment as a pdf file. Please check your pdf file is complete and accurate before uploading. No late changes will be accepted.
A flowchart follows this page.
You are required to complete the four stages of the Control Analysis Framework.Follow the instructions contained within each stage when completing the control framework.Students should demonstrate their understanding of the material covered in class through application of the material to the context in the flowchart. Importantly, this means you are not constrained to the risks and control plans covered in the lectures and tutorials. Answering the question to a high standard will require you to adapt these risks and control plans to the context of the case. Answers that regurgitate the control plans and risks from class by forcing them to fit this case will not receive high marks.
Step 1: 1 mark
Step 2: 3 marks
Step 3: 6 marks
Step 4: 5 marks
TOTAL: 15 marks
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By submitting this assignment you are agreeing to the following statement –
We confirm that the work is solely our own and we have not copied or used the work of any other source unless referenced.
1 (a) Complete the following table for each of the three sub-processes in the revenue process depicted in the flowchart:
Sub-Process | Sales Order Entry | Shipping | Billing |
What are the data inputs? | Product and customer/credit card details | -Shipping documents (picking tickets ??) | ***Payments for processing
Annotated picking tickets JA : Payment details ML: Payment notices |
What paper data stores are updated and how are the forms sorted? | Nothing | Payments for processing
Filed in numerical order |
Data store for
1.processing (numerical) 2. payment (not mentioned) 3. payments processed (Chronological) |
What electronic data stores are updated?
What processing modeis used to update eachelectronicdata store? |
Shopping cart: OLRT
Payment detail OLRT Sales order: OLRT |
Inventory list
(OLRT) |
Sales Order (OLRT)
Pending payment (OLRT) Cash at bank (OLRE) |
1 Mark
(b) For the revenue process documented in the flowchart:
- Identify ONE (1) risk for which there is an importantMISSING control plan for each of the information reliability goals in the table below;
- Specify the financial statement accounts impacted from this risk;
- Explain whether the account would be over or understated as a result of the risk.
3 MARKS (1 mark per information reliability goal)
Promotional number : payments for processing no are filed by processing number, and that promotional number can be used for one or multiple products, therefore there is a risk that when the slips are combined with those from the unsorted for payment data store, there may be a mismatch between the two, – validity and accuracy (wrong customer, wrong item, invalid transaction)
Risk to Information Reliability | Information Reliability Goal/s
Potentially Threatened |
State the financial statement account/s potentially impacted | Explain the potential impact on financial statement account (direction and reason) |
1. Customers that cannot pay | VALIDITY | (A/r is not relevant), Sales revenue account | Overstated, revenue will never be actually received |
2. Data entry error | ACCURACY | Sales Overstated/ understated | |
3. Valid sales order not processed | COMPLETENESS (Event) | Sales account | understated (assuming the sale occurred, has it been shipped yet??not stated) |
– post billing
(i) For each risk you identified in part b, recommendthe bestcontrol plan that is currently missing that could be implemented to mitigate the risk, and complete the tables that follow. You must provide a detailed explanation of how the plan works and how it will address the information goals.
(ii) Annotate the flowchart provided to indicate where each suggested control plan should be included in the process in order to mitigate the risk.
Control Activity | Information Reliability Goals | |||
Validity | Accuracy | Completeness | ||
Event Level | Detail Level | |||
Risk 1 in part b | ||||
Control Plan: Credit Check | M1 | |||
Explanation of how plan works and how it will achieve the information reliability goals: | ||||
Control Activity | Information Reliability Goals | |||
Validity | Accuracy | Completeness | ||
Event Level | Detail Level | |||
Risk 2 in part b | ||||
Control Plan 2: | ||||
Explanation of how plan works and achieves the information reliability goals: | ||||
Control Activity | Information Reliability Goals | |||
Validity | Accuracy | Completeness | ||
Event Level | Detail Level | |||
Risk 3 in part b | ||||
Control Plan: | ||||
Explanation of how plan works and achieves the information reliability goals: | ||||
6 MARKS (2 marks per control plan).
(i) Conclude the extent to which the process as it currently operates achieves each of the information reliability goals. Justify your conclusion using present and missing control plans and the design of the process. Your answer should refer to more control plans than the three in your answer to part c, above. I.e., you should demonstrate your breadth of understanding of the process and control plans by referring to ALL of the relevant present and missing plans.
(ii) Annotate the flowchart to indicate where the present control plans that you mention in your evaluation are in the process (P-X); and annotate where the missing control plans that you mention in your evaluation should be (M-X).
Information Goal | Extent Information Goal Achieved
High/Med/Low/Not achieved |
Explanation for rating
Validity | ||
Accuracy | ||
(Event Level) |
(Detail Level) |
5 MARKS (overall mark for the control matrix based on the breadth and depth of the analysis)

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