Branches of government.

The three branches of our government each play crucial roles in the U.S. national government. Each branch has specific power, duties, and responsibilities that are the most apparent features of our system of separate powers. Nevertheless, each branch has been critiqued for having definite strengths and weaknesses that become obvious in certain situations. Analyzing these strengths and weaknesses will enable you to evaluate and recommend ways to enhance and correct these fundamental assets and deficiencies of the branches of our national government.

To complete the assignment, save the Week Three Learning Activity Worksheet to your computer, fill it out, and submit it.

Develop a detailed outline of your third main point using the Week Three Learning Activity Worksheet.

  1. Branches of Government:
    1. Provide a topic sentence that briefly describes one strength and one weakness of one branch of our government: executive, legislative, or judiciary.
    2. Provide a topic sentence that recommends one option to maintain the strength and one to correct the weakness.
  2. Scholarly Support: (Please access the Ashford Writing Center’s Sample Annotated Bibliography)
    1. Provide two credible sources in APA format to support your main points.
    2. Briefly discuss how these sources support your main point.
    3. Briefly evaluate your sources for bias, validity, and reliability.

View the POL201 Research Guide for help on how to find and evaluate sources for assignments in this course

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