1. Please go to https://lms.auk.edu.kw/
2. Login with the username: S00016875
3. Password: Cairohome3
4. Go to my courses and click on: Comp. Political & Econo. Sys. PLSC405-01; Teacher: Roman Kulchitsky
5. From February 1 to May 23 you will find links of “Readings”
6. When you click on each “Readings” link, you will then find a set of PDF readings.
7. Select any 7 to 9 readings (from February 1 to May 23) that you think are suitable to answer the research question below; for example you can select 1 from this week and 2 from another week…etc.
In NO MORE than 8 to 9 pages, using the readings, please finish the following statement: The proper role of government in the economy is…
The question may be answered in various ways:
a) You may choose to answer in terms of the things governments should do (or be required to do to citizens, businesses…etc.),
b) or others in terms of the things governments should not do (or be forbidden to do vs. citizens, businesses…etc.),
c) or still you may choose to answer in terms of both. Some answers will probably point out just one or two main activities of government, while others may point out four or five.
• However, all examples you choose MUST be based on the cases in the readings.
• The aim of this writing assignment is NOT TO SUMMARIZE but ANALYZE the readings.
• You HAVE TO develop and defend an argument.
Question Explanation:
Hypothesize a possible relationship between the political and the economic side based on a logic from the readings, and make a case for it by the government’s role in the economy either of (a) total freedom, (b) total control, (c) or something in the middle. You can’t say I want this and that; you have to think systemically and think about an ideal relationship between the political and economic sides based on an argument. I recommend you use this reading (found on March 29 – April 4) for ‘one’ of your sources:
**son, BJ “The politics of co-option” in Red Capitalists in China: The Party, Private Entrepreneurs, and Prospects for Political Change, Cambridge University Press (January 20, 2003), selections. [Batul]
The writing assignment is designed to assess the understanding of the key concepts and relevant cases presented in the readings and lectures, to think and write critically.
Thus, please be sure to refer to ‘some’ of the following concepts in the paper: use of knowledge in society, social and individual intelligence, collective decisions and public decisions, government and policy making, political systems, systematic and analytical thinking, neo-classical theory, means vs. ends, subjectivism, explicit / implicit knowledge, human action and uncertainty (Hayek’s view), social construction of knowledge: spontaneous order, relationship between political and economic systems, the role of knowledge, alternative ways of seeing order (or disorder) in society, the Soviet experience, Perestroika, the Economics of Fascism (the cases of Italy and Germany), the corporate model.
If you need explanatory information for those concepts, you can click on the Powerpoint links from weeks February 1 to May 23 (on the account I provided above).
a) It must be written in third person and cite and reference all sources in APA or MLA format (to cite please refer to the titles of the readings) and I need a work cited page.
b) No other content may be used other than those readings.
c) Please do not spend long sentences stating: this paper will discuss…etc. or this section will discuss…etc.
8. Please go to https://lms.auk.edu.kw/
9. Login with the username: S00016875
10. Password: Cairohome3
11. Go to my courses and click on: Comp. Political & Econo. Sys. PLSC405-01; Teacher: Roman Kulchitsky
12. From February 1 to May 23 you will find links of “Readings”
13. When you click on each “Readings” link, you will then find a set of PDF readings.
14. Select any 7 to 9 readings (from February 1 to May 23) that you think are suitable to answer the research question below; for example you can select 1 from this week and 2 from another week…etc.
In NO MORE than 8 to 9 pages, using the readings, please finish the following statement: The proper role of government in the economy is…
The question may be answered in various ways:
d) You may choose to answer in terms of the things governments should do (or be required to do to citizens, businesses…etc.),
e) or others in terms of the things governments should not do (or be forbidden to do vs. citizens, businesses…etc.),
f) or still you may choose to answer in terms of both. Some answers will probably point out just one or two main activities of government, while others may point out four or five.
• However, all examples you choose MUST be based on the cases in the readings.
• The aim of this writing assignment is NOT TO SUMMARIZE but ANALYZE the readings.
• You HAVE TO develop and defend an argument.
Question Explanation:
Hypothesize a possible relationship between the political and the economic side based on a logic from the readings, and make a case for it by the government’s role in the economy either of (a) total freedom, (b) total control, (c) or something in the middle. You can’t say I want this and that; you have to think systemically and think about an ideal relationship between the political and economic sides based on an argument. I recommend you use this reading (found on March 29 – April 4) for ‘one’ of your sources:
**son, BJ “The politics of co-option” in Red Capitalists in China: The Party, Private Entrepreneurs, and Prospects for Political Change, Cambridge University Press (January 20, 2003), selections. [Batul]
The writing assignment is designed to assess the understanding of the key concepts and relevant cases presented in the readings and lectures, to think and write critically.
Thus, please be sure to refer to some of the following concepts in the paper: use of knowledge in society, social and individual intelligence, collective decisions and public decisions, government and policy making, political systems, systematic and analytical thinking, neo-classical theory, means vs. ends, subjectivism, explicit / implicit knowledge, human action and uncertainty (Hayek’s view), social construction of knowledge: spontaneous order, relationship between political and economic systems, the role of knowledge, alternative ways of seeing order (or disorder) in society, the Soviet experience, Perestroika, the Economics of Fascism (the cases of Italy and Germany), the corporate model.
If you need explanatory information for those concepts, you can click on the Powerpoint links from weeks February 1 to May 23 (on the account I provided above).
d) It must be written in third person and cite and reference all sources in APA or MLA format (to cite please refer to the titles of the readings) and I need a work cited page.
e) No other content may be used other than those readings.
f) Please do not spend long sentences stating: this paper will discuss…etc. or this section will discuss…etc.

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